Tuesday, January 31, 2012


This has been a long day, undoubtedly made a little longer by my best friend/chauffeur who - as he dropped me at the curb this morning - said: "Wow! A twelve hour day today - that's pretty long." To which I replied: "Thanks, in my mind I had successfully split it into two sixes, but now that's all forgotten. Thanks."

The truth of it is that the first six are a given anyway, so, rather than think of it as twelve hours I had convinced myself that it was actually only six extra hours - thus making it a little more palatable.  And of course, the indelicacy of my chauffeur did not change the reality of this, though I was a little perturbed at the time. 

I just finished my Mandela assignment, which was an rhetorical analysis of his inaugural speech from 1994. I always hope I have provided what fearless leader seeks, but ultimately it comes down to my interpretation of his written instructions. That's where I hope that my comprehension of his rhetorical expostulations is apropos. Or words to that effect. Anyway, it's done. I'll do a final reading tonight before printing it. 

Tomorrow I'll launch into the next three. In all honesty, until I came back to university I thought a month was a long time. Now I know that it's not. Still, this teaches the students about deadlines, doesn't it? Something I know quite a lot about. And about prioritizing - figuring out which assignment is the most critical at any given moment  In the insurance arena my customers were my assignments - I would invariably figure out how high a priority they would be in our very first conversation.

Sometimes from the workload I swear these educators don't realize that we're taking more than one course. But then, that's the same as bosses, isn't it? And customers

I'm going to do the math on my reading for this semester: how much there is, how long it should take and so on. See if I can get close to the feasibility of doing it all, because I swear - sometimes all the assignments feel un-doable. They're not - but they feel that way.

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