Sunday, September 18, 2011


With yesterday's class, week one is now in the books. Ask me what I think.

I think the tiring part isn't going to be all the study involved, it's going to be that it's six days a week. And even then it's really not that it's six days, but that I have to get there, back and forth, six days a week, and that on four of those days I'm going in for just one class. I know, that's just how it worked out and I'm really not worried about it, but it's there, cumulatively, and by the end of the semester I'm probably going to feel it. That's part of what I was talking about when I mentioned "muscle memory" before.

Tomorrow begins week two. I have some reading to do before tomorrow afternoon's [one and only] class, and I have still to type up Saturday's lecture notes, but otherwise I'm good to go. I'll go in early for both.

Actually, it's a gas. I guarantee that by the end of this second degree I'm either going to feel very, very old, or very young - much younger than my forty-six years. My big hope is that by the end of it all the youngsters have gotten used to seeing me around. Maybe some more of them will even feel comfortable saying "Hi" in the hallway.

I have volunteered with the IABC - the International Association of Business Communicators. I am aware that I need to avoid taking too much on - for the sake of my studies, if nothing else - but I'm thinking long term here. I believe it's going to be good for me.


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